Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Stop-Question and Frisk Program - 1419 Words
The black or white, either-or and this or that misconceptions that are common in conversations with children seems to be arising over the Stop and Frisk Law in New York City. It has long been an issue of debate over whether it is a form of practicing racial profiling since its implementation. Arguments between advocates and critics of the law appear to be so incompatible that people are simply taking sides rather than trying to push the discussion forward. Frankly, supporters and protestors of the practice have established their opinions with incomplete information and lack of adequate critical reasoning. While those in favor have failed to admit to the apparent existence of racial profiling, those who are against the law only focus on racial profiling and do not participate in the broader discussion of whether or not it actually brings safety to the city. The conversation might be able to move forward if both sides were to emphasize on the most crucial issue of whether safety trumps civil rights. The Stop-Question-and-Frisk Program, more commonly known as â€Å"stop and frisk†or 250s, authorizes police to stop and question pedestrians and frisk them for weapons or other contrabands. This practice is based on the decision of the United States Supreme Court form the case of Terry v. Ohio. The holding establishes that if there is reasonable suspicion that the person may be dangerous or armed, police can stop him or her without violating the Fourth Amendment, which prohibitsShow MoreRelatedWhat is Stop and Frisk?1300 Words  | 6 Pagesis Stop and Frisk? The New York City stop-question-and-frisk program is a practice of the New York City Police Department by which police officers stop and question tens of thousands of pedestrians annually, and frisk them for weapons and other contraband (New York City Stop-question-frisk program). This program is said to keep weapons of the street but we are sure if their statements are accurate. Though the New York Police Department s ays this program helps keep weapons of the street, stop andRead MoreThe New York City Police Department Essay1723 Words  | 7 PagesDepartment decided to implement a practice of Stop, Question, and Frisk. This practice became known as Stop -and- Frisk (Bellin, 2014). Stop-and Frisk†was a method in which an officer stopped a pedestrian and asked them a question, and then frisked them for any weapon or contraband (Rengifo Slocum, 2016). By the late 1990s, stop-and frisk became a common practice implemented by New York City Police Department (Bellin, 2014). The framework of Stop-and-Frisk started in 1968 in a case known as TerryRead MoreStop-and-Frisk Policy1057 Words  | 5 PagesThe stop-and-frisk policy could be considered a big controversy facing New York in recent times. The whole concept behind this stopping-and-frisking is the police officer, with reasonable suspicion of some crime committed or about to be committed, stops a pedestrian, questions them, then if needed frisks the person. This policy started gaining public attention back in 1968 from the Terry v. Ohio case. A police officer saw the three men casing a store and he believed they were going to rob the store;Read MoreStop And Frisk By Stephen Colbert And Jessica Williams1110 Words  | 5 Pagesmake a change. The â€Å"Stop and Frisk†program that was happening in 2013 in New York City was an event that caused uproar from many people, authors included. The program allowed police officers to stop and search an individual if the officer believed the individua l was guilty of committing a crime. The problem with the program was that minorities were being targeted much more than white individuals. In 2013, a judge made a ruling on the program. The judge ruled that â€Å"Stop and Frisk†was unconstitutional;Read MoreWhat Is Stop And Frisk1419 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is stop and frisk? Who uses stop and frisk? According to Haq stop and frisk is a â€Å"program that enables a police officer to stop, question, and frisk a person for weapons†(1). This means that a police officer can only search someone if they possess reasonable suspicion and follow their guidelines. People should have open ideas of ways of reducing gun violence and not closing before hearing the proposals. People say that stop and frisk promote racial profiling and that it invades one’s privacyRead MoreStop And Frisk : Stop Or Frisk1442 Words  | 6 PagesStop and Frisk What are stop and frisk? Who is allowed to use stop and frisk? Haq tells us that stop and frisk is a program that enables a police officer to stop, question, and frisk a person for weapons (Haq). This means that the police officer can stop, search and question you at any time only if they have reasonable suspicion; but, only if they follow the proper protocol and guidelines. Stop and Frisk will promote safety not only for the officer but also in society. Many people may think thatRead MoreStop And Frisk At The Court Case Of Terry V. Ohio988 Words  | 4 Pagesmethods known as Stop and Frisk is one of the most widely debated topics in America when it comes to dealing with Police actions and Constitutional rights. Stop and Frisk is the practice by which a police initiates a stop of an individual on the street based on reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. The Stop and Frisk policy was adopted from laws in a number of different courts in America. Under Stop and Frisk, a police officer has the power to stop, question, and frisk suspects withRead MoreA Social Problem Attention From The Media And Judicial System960 Words  | 4 PagesThe communities most affected by the policy are those living in the low income areas. They are subjected to disproportionate stops and frisk mainly targeting black and Latino men. Law suits that have been filed against the city because of the stop and frisk policies, include; Charles v. City of New York which challenged the unlawful arrest of resident for filming stop and frisk encounter, Ligon v. City of New York which challenged the NYPD’s aggressive patrolling of private apartment buildings, andRead MoreThe Stop And Frisk Laws1452 Words  | 6 PagesThe stop and frisk laws in New York City illustrate Max Weber’s idea of the societal role of laws because it shows how Weber distinguishes the law from things such as social norms and customs. In other words, Weber believes that rather than create laws that conform to the norms of society, they are made in accordance of the needs of a state. Weber defines law â€Å"as coercive order, an order that has the potential backing of the full force of the state,†(Law, Status, Wealth, and Power 110). A stateRead MorePolice Law Enforcement Protection And Citizen s Civil Liberties954 Words  | 4 Pagesliberties. Amidst times of racial and ethnic animosity, this country faces a problem b etween law enforcement protection and citizen’s civil liberties. Stop-and-frisk is a policing tactic where officers stop, question, and frisk a civilian based on reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. Many argue the New York Police Department’s (NYPD) use of stop-and-frisk is an obvious violation of the Constitution and is based on racial discrimination. The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has heard many
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